The 4 Things All Successful Cleaning Businesses Have in Common
Over the years, I’ve had many people ask what it takes to be successful in starting a home based office cleaning business. There is no magic involved; whether you want to start a small business or a large commercial cleaning service, 4 basic rules must be followed.
But, before I mention them, remember that whether it’s an online business, storefront business, big or small home-based business – a business is a business at the end of the day. Whether your business caters to other businesses (as in a commercial office cleaning service), or business to retail customer (as in a house cleaning service)– it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, because they all share something in common that makes these businesses successful. ALL of these traits are important to anyone wishing to start a business.
I wanted to share with you four things that come to mind which all successful businesses have in common. Being accessible, responding in a timely manner, delivering on your promises,and guaranteeing your product or service – these four things are what drive a customer-centric business.
Whether you’re planning to start a business or looking to improve your home-based business, use these four ideas to make your business stand out!
Here are the four most important traits shared by the most successful businesses:
1. Being Accessible
Every successful business ensures that customers can reach human contact easily. Successful businesses allow multiple routes for the customers to get in touch with their business:
Social Media (Twitter/Facebook)
Phone Number
2. Responding to Customers in a Timely Manner
The most successful businesses respond to inquiry messages with lightning speed. Average time to reply to an email for the best companies is under an hour and a half! As a start-up business, you must be prompt, don’t delay. Respond time of 24-48 hours definitely doesn’t cut it any more.
3. Delivering on the Promise
It’s no longer a secret that outstanding customer service has become an imperative for superior performance, if not for the very survival of businesses. Many recent surveys show that existing customers will readily defect to competitors if companies deliver poor service or do not deliver on their service promise. So how can companies “walk the walk” in delivering the service level they promise every time? The answer is simple: only promise as much as you can deliver. As a start-up cleaning service we only took the jobs we knew we could do well.
4. Guarantee the Product or Service
In the commercial cleaning business, shoddy workmanship shows up quickly. If your business fails to ‘deliever the goods’, your business should redo the work or give a partial refund. It’s that simple.